quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

It's Christmas Time!

Uma repostagem para terminar o capítulo do Natal.

Scrooge conseguiu o seu Natal e que todos nós possamos lembrar "What Christmas is all about".

Have you all a Merry Christmas and keep on dreaming!!

Best wishes!!!

Denise Neves.

Do you know what time it is? It's Chirstmas Time! Two days until Christmas!

Logo no início de dezembro, resolvi montar alguma decoração natalina na minha casa para agradar a Ana Luisa. Comprei a árvore, as luzinhas e bolas, e finalmente, um Papai Noel em um trenó que canta Jingle Bell Rock e patina pela casa toda.
Ela começou a chorar! Agora, mais amiga do nosso patinador, ela pede pelo Papai Noel e adora a música!

Há uma lista grande de músicas natalinas (see http://xmasfun.com/) de onde eu tirei as letras de Jingle Bell Rock e We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Qual a diferença entre music, tune and carol?

Essas músicas me lembraram aquele filme com Hugh Grant, "Um Grande Garoto", em que o personagem dele, Will, é um cara que não faz absolutamente nada da vida porque vive dos royalties de uma canção natalina que o pai compôs muitos anos antes. E toda vez que ele menciona essa história, as pessoas começam a cantar a música! Ele detesta. Adoro esse filme!

Finalmente, uma mensagem de Feliz Natal a todos, um Ano Novo de muita Saúde e Renovação!
Denise Neves.

May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. Christmas is the time of giving and sharing. It is the time of loving and forgiving.

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Preparing for Exams

Some tips for Practical English Exams.

1) Pens and Pencils

Some exams require the use of PENS, while others have to be completed in PENCIL. Make sure you know what you should be using in every paper before you go in.

2) Websites

All the major examination boards have websites these days, usually with sample papers and examiners' reports that you can download. These sites are well worth a visit as they may offer a lot of sound advice. The examiners' report, for instance, can give you an idea of exactly what it is that they are looking for.

3) Take Spares

Take spare pens and pencils just in case the one you are using stops working.

4) On time not In time

Allow for problems, hold-ups and traffic jams on the way and make sure you arrive with time to spare so that you can go in calmy rather than in a frantic rush.

5) It may sound stupid, but ...

Don't forget to read the instructions and make sure you know what you are being asked to do. You should go into the exam well aware of what is expected of you, but you should always check. Don't, however, waste a lot of time on this.

6) Honesty- 1

A language exam is not a test of honesty and you will not be penalised if you tell the examiners that you are CANCER rather than SAGITTARIUS in a written question simply because you are sure of how to spell it. Language Tests are quite simply that; they are designed to test your language and not your honesty- don't worry about lying or being economical with the truth in order to show off your accurate language use.

7) Zzzzz

Try to get a good night's sleep the night before any exam.

8) Hangovers

Try to avoid alcohol the night before an exam, especially in quantity, as a bad hangover is among the very worst things to be suffering from in an exam room.

Credits: http://www.usingenglish.com/resources/exam-tips.html