quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

Food Forum Two

When we think about food, not only we get very hungry but also we relate it to a certain place or people. Brazilian love Italian food, Japanese food, Mexican food.
Here in Sao Paulo there are options from all over the world, spicy and exotic. You just need to choose and try!

But what people from other countries think about our food? What is it that, in your opinion, represents Brazil when it comes to food?

6 comentários:

Kátia disse...

In my opinion many things represents Brazil, because our country is big and each region have a its tipical food, but somethings are well-known abroad... like Feijoada, Caipirinha drink, There are also Acarajé and Vatapá that´s food from Bahia, Açaí and Guaraná from Amazonia, Brazilian Coffee and our original sweet Brigadeiro...
I think it´s this! ;)

Denise disse...

Well, Katia, I believe you covered all up! LOL.
Tell me, when you were in Australia, what was the thing people were most curious about Brazil?

Unknown disse...

When I used to live in Ireland once in the class the teacher said to us to bring food from our country, so in this day we enjoyed many kinds of food! It was very fun! And also we had a discussion about this subject! The Italian girls said to me that we was crazy because we created a sweet pizza! They said that it is like a crime in Italy! Kkk. About Irish people they eat potatoes like us with rice and bean! But in general they don´t have a health food”

Denise disse...

What did you prepare for this class as an example of Brazilian food? And what did you taste from other countries?

Denise disse...

What did you prepare for this class as an example of Brazilian food? And what did you taste from other countries?

Giovana disse...

It is very interesting that the issue of Brazilian cuisine. It's a lot of variety. A real mix of spices and flavors throughout the world. In my view, when it comes to Brazilian cuisine abroad dishes like feijoada arise. It is very characteristic that the vision that the world has on our kitchen is precisely this variety of spices.